Defining and implementing traits

Traits are a fundamental concept in Rust that define behavior (methods) that different types can implement. They promote code reusability, abstraction, and polymorphism. Let's explore them with examples at various skill levels:

  • Basic Idea:
    • A trait is like a blueprint that outlines functionalities (functions) that types can adhere to.
    • It doesn't contain any implementation details, just the expected behavior.
trait Printable {
  fn print(&self);

fn main() {
  // This code won't work yet because there's no implementation for Printable
  // let message = "Hello";
  // println!("{}", message.print()); // Error: The type `std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>` doesn't implement `Printable`
  • Implementing Traits:
    • Types can implement a trait by using the impl keyword.
    • The implementation provides the actual code for the methods defined in the trait.
trait Printable {
  fn print(&self);

struct Person {
  name: String,

impl Printable for Person {
  fn print(&self) {
    println!("Name: {}",;

fn main() {
  let alice = Person { name: String::from("Alice") };
  • Trait Bounds:
    • When defining functions or methods, you can specify trait bounds using where clauses.
    • This ensures that only types that implement the required trait can be used.
use std::fmt::Display;

trait Printable {
  fn print(&self);

impl<T> Printable for T
where T: Display {
  // Default implementation using the Display trait
  fn print(&self) {
    println!("{}", self);

struct Person {
  name: String,

impl Display for Person {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
    write!(f, "Name: {}",

fn main() {
  let alice = Person { name: String::from("Alice") };
  alice.print(); // Now Person can print automatically
  • Default Traits:
    • Define default implementations for trait methods if desired.
trait Printable {
  fn print(&self) {
    println!("Default implementation");

struct Person {
  name: String,

impl Printable for Person {
  // Override the default implementation
  fn print(&self) {
    println!("Name: {}",;

fn main() {
  let alice = Person { name: String::from("Alice") };
  alice.print(); // Prints "Name: Alice"
  • Associated Types:
    • Associated types provide flexibility in trait implementations by allowing them to define the specific type for calculations or data structures based on the implementing type.
    • The concrete type for the associated type is specified in the impl block for the trait.
trait Shape {
  // Associated type to represent the area type (could be f32, u32, etc.)
  type AreaType;

  // Method to calculate area, returning the associated type
  fn area(&self) -> Self::AreaType;

struct Square {
  side: f32,

impl Shape for Square {
  type AreaType = f32; // Define the concrete type for Square's area

  fn area(&self) -> Self::AreaType {
    self.side * self.side

fn main() {
  let square = Square { side: 5.0 };
  let area = square.area();
  println!("Area of square: {}", area);

In next example, we define a Summable trait that has an associated type Sum representing the result of summing two values of the same type. The trait also has a default type parameter T = Self, which means that if no type parameter is provided, T defaults to the type implementing the trait.

We then implement the Summable trait for i32, specifying that the associated type Sum is i32, and implementing the sum method to perform integer addition.

use std::ops::Add;

trait Summable<T = Self> {
    type Sum: Add<T, Output = Self>;

    fn sum(self, other: T) -> Self::Sum;

impl Summable for i32 {
    type Sum = i32;

    fn sum(self, other: i32) -> i32 {
        self + other

impl Summable for f32 {
    type Sum = f32;

    fn sum(self, other: f32) -> f32 {
        self + other

fn main() {
    let x = 5.sum(10); // x = 15
    let y = (5.5).sum(2.3); // y = 7.8
    println!("{}, {}", x, y);
  • Trait Objects (Dynamic Dispatch):
    • Use trait objects (dyn Trait) for polymorphism with types that don't know the specific trait at compile time.